Training Tips
Lose the food bowl forever!!

I've been to a few of Dr. Ian Dunbar's workshops and seminars and if there's one (of the many things) I've taken away it is to feed your dogs out of anything but the food bowl! Its an important and simple way to bond and train with your pet. Food happens to be our dogs favorite form of currency so why not practice a few minutes of basic manners around their meals? It only takes a matter of a few minutes to work on prompted and unprompted attention training (prompted attention as in calling their name and waiting for them to look at you - marking the look with the word "click" or Yes" or an actual clicker THEN rewarding them immediately and unprompted attention is rewarding your pup for just checking in and looking at you. Same Mark then reward the look). We want to train our dogs to always check in with us as a foundation to all other training. All you need is to practice 5 times a day for 5 minutes. A minimum of 3 works but if you can do more its even better as they learn quickly! Great tip is to take a few kibble before going out side and practice same. Then when you come back from the morning potty break put the rest of the kibble in a puzzle toy or chewy toy. Give them the toy in their crate or right before leaving home so they will associate you leaving with a good thing. It keeps them company so to speak and helps them settle. Training doesn't take a lot of time its just a matter of being consistent and and fitting it in to our daily routines. You can fit it in while brewing coffee, brushing your teeth or in between commercial breaks. This focus work is the foundation to all training. So get going and have fun with it!! You'll have a better behaved dog :)