What is FearFree?
Vivian Zottola, MSc, CBCC | 617.721.8025
What it means to be a FearFree professional
Animal Behavior Training, a rewarding profession that offers life long continued learning
Thank you to all who have allowed me to ride their wings and others who have shared the gift of teaching me to heal others. I will always be indebted to you. Thank you scientists, teachers, mentors, friends and employees. I've been blessed to learn from you all. -Vivian |
Why I chose the human animal bond as a profession

Years ago while volunteering at a Boston Animal Shelter I came across the adorable puppies pictured to the left. My responsibility was to feed, walk and provide basic training to surrendered dogs. These little love bugs were given up because there was no room or money to care for them at home. So many dogs were surrendered over the few years I volunteered with the shelter. Some were adopted, others suffered kennel stress and many more euthanized because there was no room. Owner reported reasons for surrender included moving, having a child, the dog was too old, someone had developed an allergy, inappropriate urination, jumping up on people, pulling on walks, barking and lunging at people, crying when alone and on and on. One person even claimed the dog did not fit in her purse anymore. Yes, this is true.
I remember the dogs, the smells and the howling cries. The experience still haunts me to this day. Having experienced it all first hand, I greatly respect and admire shelter volunteers and staff. Care taking this population is difficult. It is heart wrenching and sometimes dangerous work. And it requires individuals remain compassionate to both the humans and the dogs regardless. While it was one of the most challenging time it was also the best experience of my life because it helped me view the world through a different lens. It was that year in 2009, that I made the decision to redirect my life and career from a lucrative but unfulfilling job in corporate America to starting my own dog walking and training business. The next step would be to earn my certifications in reward and science based dog training. Interested in pursuing a professional career I earned a certification in dog training, advanced certifications in behavior and learned from some of the most respected canine scientists, animal trainers and veterinarians. The pet dog training profession is NOT standardized (unregulated) however, I was blessed to be guided by some of the most lovely people in the industry.
Over fifteen years have passed since I took this picture and I love it because it reminds me of the instant I made the decision to dedicate my professional career and life helping humans and pet dogs resolve complex behavior and communication challenges. Where this journey takes me I haven't a clue but I do know I am enriched and challenged every day working with dogs and the people who love them. Thank you for choosing humane, science based positive reinforcement training. And thank you for making a difference in your dogs life.
Vivian Zottola, CBCC
I remember the dogs, the smells and the howling cries. The experience still haunts me to this day. Having experienced it all first hand, I greatly respect and admire shelter volunteers and staff. Care taking this population is difficult. It is heart wrenching and sometimes dangerous work. And it requires individuals remain compassionate to both the humans and the dogs regardless. While it was one of the most challenging time it was also the best experience of my life because it helped me view the world through a different lens. It was that year in 2009, that I made the decision to redirect my life and career from a lucrative but unfulfilling job in corporate America to starting my own dog walking and training business. The next step would be to earn my certifications in reward and science based dog training. Interested in pursuing a professional career I earned a certification in dog training, advanced certifications in behavior and learned from some of the most respected canine scientists, animal trainers and veterinarians. The pet dog training profession is NOT standardized (unregulated) however, I was blessed to be guided by some of the most lovely people in the industry.
Over fifteen years have passed since I took this picture and I love it because it reminds me of the instant I made the decision to dedicate my professional career and life helping humans and pet dogs resolve complex behavior and communication challenges. Where this journey takes me I haven't a clue but I do know I am enriched and challenged every day working with dogs and the people who love them. Thank you for choosing humane, science based positive reinforcement training. And thank you for making a difference in your dogs life.
Vivian Zottola, CBCC